
Recent Highlights: 

Snapp, S.S., P. Grabowski, R. Chikowo, A. Smith, E. Anders, D. Sirrine, V. Chimonyo and M. Bekunda. 2018. Maize yield and profitability tradeoffs with social, human and environmental performance: Is sustainable intensification feasible? Agricultural Systems: Manuscript in press.

Snapp, S., P. Rogé, P. Okori, R. Chikowo, B. Peter, and J. Messina.  2018.  Perennial Grains for Africa: Possibility or Pipedream? Experimental Agriculture: Open Access.

Lunduka, R., S. Snapp, and T.S. Jayne. 2017. Demand-led and supply-led extension approaches to support sustainable intensification in Malawi (download PDF).

Messina, J.P, B.G. Peter, and S.S. Snapp.  2017.  Re-evaluating the Malawian Farm Input Subsidy Programme.  Nature Plants 3. doi: 10.1038/nplants.2017.13.

Mungai, L., S. Snapp, J.P. Messina, R. Chikowo, A. Smith, E. Anders, R.B. Richardson, and G. Li.  2017.  Smallholder farms and the potential for Sustainable Intensification.  Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01720

Rogé, P., S.S. Snapp, M.K. Kakwera, L. Mungai, I. Jambo and B. Peter. Opportunities for perennial food crops in Malawi: A review. Agronomy and Sustainable Development, In press. Download Manuscript Draft PDF

Waldman, K.B., D.L. Ortega, R.B. Richardson, and S.S. Snapp.  2017.  Estimating demand for perennial pigeon pea in Malawi using choice experiments.  Ecological Economics 131: 222-230.  doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.09.006

Hockett, M. and R. B. Richardson. 2018. Examining the Drivers of Agricultural Experimentation Among Smallholder Farmers in Malawi. In press, Experimental Agriculture. doi: 10.1017/S0014479716000673.

Isaac, K., S.S. Snapp, K. Chung and K. Waldman. 2016. Assessing the value of diverse cropping systems under a new agricultural policy environment in Rwanda. Food Security 8: 491-506. doi:10.1007/s12571-016-0582-x

Isaac, K.B., S.S. Snapp, J.D. Kelly, and K.Chung. 2016. Farmer knowledge identifies a common bean ideotype for maize-bean intercrop systems in Rwanda. Agriculture and Food Security 5 (15). doi: 10.1186/s40066-016-0062-8.

Kane, D., P. Roge, and S.S. Snapp. 2016. A systematic review of perennial staple crops literature using topic modeling and bibliometric analysis. PLoSone 11(5).

Ortega, D. L., K. B. Waldman, R. B. Richardson, D. Clay, and S. Snapp. 2016. Sustainable Intensification and Farmer Preferences for Crop System Attributes: Evidence from Malawi’s Central and Southern Regions. World Development 87: 139–151. doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2016.06.007.

Schmitt Olabisi, L., J. Adebiyi, P.S. Traoré, and M.N. Kakwera. 2016. Do participatory scenario exercises promote systems thinking and build consensus?  Elementa, Science of the Anthropocene 4. doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000113

Waldman, K.B., D.L. Ortega, R.B. Richardson, D.C. Clay, and S.S. Snapp.  2016. Preferences for legume attributes in maize-legume system cropping systems in Malawi.  Food Security 8: 1087-1099. doi: 10.1007/s12571-016-0616-4 [/read]

Short Publications, Infographics, and Extension Bulletins:

Adaptability of double up legume system on contrasting Malawian farms (online)
Doubled-up legume technology in Malawi (online)
FAO profile of our research on doubled up legumes and land productivity in Malawi (online)
Groundnut production in Malawi (online)
Soyabean – a versatile grain legume for smallholder farmers in Malawi (online)
Sustainable intensification in Malawi (online– use link on left side of page to download infographic)

Book Chapters:

Chikowo, R., S. Zingore, J. Nyamangara, M. Bekunda, J. Messina, and S. Snapp. 2014.  Approaches to reinforce crop productivity under rain-fed conditions in sub-humid environments in Sub Saharan Africa. In: L. Rattan, B.R. Singh, D.L. Mwaseba, D. Kraybill, D.O. Hansen, and L.O. Eik (Eds.), Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience in Africa, pp 235-253.  Springer, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09360-4_12 

Wellard, K., D. Kambewa, and S. Snapp.  2012.  Farmers on the frontline: adaptation and change in Malawi. In: Castro, A.P., D. Taylor, and D.W. Brokensha (Eds.), Climate Change and Threatened Communities Vulnerability, Capacity, and Action pp.41-56. Practical Action Publishing Ltd, England.  doi: 

Technical Papers, Policy Papers and Conference Proceedings:

Lunduka, R., S. Snapp, and T.S. Jayne. 2017. Demand-led and supply-led extension approaches to support sustainable intensification in Malawi (download PDF). USAID Policy Synthesis #160.

Waddington, S.R., Zingore, S., Chikowo, R., Wairegi, L. and Snapp, S. 2015. Integrated fertilizer policy guide for Maize–Legume cropping systems in Malawi. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.


Messina, J., U. Adhikari, J. Carroll, R. Chikowo, M. DeVisser, L. Dodge, P. Fan, S. Langley, S. Lin, N. Me-nsope, N. Moore, S. Murray, S. Nawyn, A. Nejadhashemi, J. Olson, A. Smith, and S. Snapp. 2014. Population Growth, Climate Change and Pressure on the Land– Eastern and Southern Africa. 99 pp. ISBN 978-0-9903005-0-2

Pound, B., S. Snapp, C. McDougall, and A. Braun. 2013. Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Livelihoods: Uniting Science and Participation. Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.4324/9781849771894

Journal Articles:

Silberg, T., V. Chimonyo, R. B. Richardson, S. S. Snapp, and K. Renner. (2019). Legume diversification and weed management in African cereal-based systems. Forthcoming,Agricultural Systems 174: 83-94.

Grabowski, P., L. Schmitt Olabisi, J. Adebiyi, K. Waldman, R. B. Richardson, L. Rusinamhodzi, and S. S. Snapp. (2019). Assessing adoption potential in a risky environment: The case of perennial pigeonpea. Agricultural Systems 171: 89-99.

Waldman, K. B. and R. B. Richardson. (2018). Confronting tradeoffs between agricultural ecosystem services and adaptation to climate change in Mali. Ecological Economics 150: 184-193.

Silberg, T., R. B. Richardson, M. Hockett, and S. S. Snapp. (2017). Food crop-legume intercropping in Central Malawi: Determinants of practice. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15(6): 662-680. https://10.1080/14735903.2017.1375070.

Li, G., J.P. Messina, B.G. Peter, and S. Snapp.  2017.  Mapping land suitability for agriculture in Malawi.Land Degrad. Developdoi: 10.1002/ldr.2723.

Rogé, P., S. Snapp, M.N. Kakwera, L. Mungai, I. Jambo, and B. Peter.  2016.  Ratooning and perennial staple crops in Malawi. A review.  Agron. Sustain. Dev. 36: 50. doi: 10.1007/s13593-016-0384-8

Smith, A., S. Snapp, R. Chikowo, P. Thorne, M. Bekunda, and J. Glover.  2016.  Measuring sustainable intensification in smallholder agroecosystems: A review.  Global Food Security.

Peterson, B., and S. Snapp.  2015.  What is sustainable intensification?  Views from the experts.  Land Use Policy.

Fisher, M. and S.S. Snapp. 2014. Smallholder farmers’ perceptions of drought risk and adoption of modern maize in Southern Malawi. Experimental Agriculture 50: 533-548.

Snapp, S.S. and M. Fisher. 2014. Filling the maize basket supports crop diversity and quality of household diet in Malawi. Food Security Open Access. doi: 10.1007/s12571-014-0410-0

Chikowo, R., S. Zingore, S. Snapp, and A. Johnston. 2014. Farm typologies, soil fertility variability and nutrient management in smallholder farming in sub Saharan Africa. Nutrient Cycling Agroecosystems 100:1-18. doi: 10.1007/s10705-014-9632-y

Kurwakumire, N., R. Chikowo, F. Mtambanengwe, M. Paul, S. Snapp, A. Johnston, and S. Zingore. 2014. Maize productivity and nutrient and water efficiency across soil fertility domains on smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. Field Crops Research 164:136-147.

Smith, R., A. Davis, N. Jordan, L. Atwood, A. Daly, S. Grandy, M. Hunter, R. Koide, D. Mortensen, P. Ewing, D. Kane, M. Li, Y. Lou, S. Snapp, K. Spokas, and A. Yannarel. 2014. Structural equation modeling facilitates transdisciplinary research on agriculture and climate change. Crop Science 54: 475-483.  doi:10.2135/cropsci2013.07.0474

Ollenburger, M. and S. Snapp. 2014. Model applications for sustainable intensification of African water-limited cropping systems in a changing world. Advances in Modeling 5: 375-398.

Kadyampakeni, D.M., H.R. Mloza-Banda, D.D. Singa, J.H. Mangisoni, A. Ferguson and S. Snapp. 2013. Agronomic and socio-economic analysis of water management techniques for dry season cultivation of common bean in Malawi. Irrig. Sci. 31:537-544. doi:10.1007/s00271-012-0333-5

Culman, S.W., S.S. Snapp, M. Ollenburger, B. Basso and L.R. DeHaan. 2013. Soil and water quality rapidly responds to the perennial grain Kernza wheatgrass. Agronomy J. 105:735-744. doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0273

Mhango, W. S.S. Snapp and G. Y. Kanyama-Phiri. 2013. Opportunities and constraints to legume diversification for sustainable cereal production on African smallholder farms. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 28:234-244.

Snapp, S.S., R. Bezner Kerr, A. Smith, M. Ollenburger, W. Mhango, L. Shumba, T. Gondwe and G.Y. Kanyama-Phiri. 2013. Modeling and participatory, farmer-led approaches to food security in a changing world: a case study from Malawi. Scheresse 24:350-358. doi: 10.1684/sec.2014.0409

Jaikumar, N., S.S. Snapp, K. Murphy, and S. Jones. 2012. A field assessment of the agronomic potential of two novel perennial cereal crops. Agronomy J. 104:1716-1726. doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0291

Lunduka, R., Fisher, M. and S.S. Snapp. 2012. Could farmer interest in a diversity of seed attributes explain adoption plateaus for modern maize varieties in Malawi? Food Policy 37: 504-510.

Snapp S., M.J. Blackie, R.A. Gilbert, R. Bezner-Kerr, G.Y. Kanyama-Phiri.  2010. Biodiversity can support a greener revolution in Africa. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 20840–20845. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1007199107 [/read]