Dr. Ann Braun
Dr. Ann Braun
My principal focus is monitoring, evaluation & impact assessment and supporting organisations to extend their capabilities in M&E. Since 2000 I’ve worked in a diversity of sectors including agriculture, natural resource management, livelihoods, health, microfinance, law and justice and UXO action. I’ve worked in Asia, the Pacific, S and C America, N and E Africa and the Caucasus.
Other relevant experience includes leading the Participatory Research Methods Program at the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture and working as a facilitator and trainer for the CGIAR Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis. I’ve worked in Farmer Field School development in SE Asia, with community research committees in Latin America, and with organisations supporting these. I’ve trained in Evaluation of Humanitarian Action, Principles-focused Evaluation, Most Significant Change Technique, People-Centred Programme Logic, Performance Stories and Contribution Analysis and Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Systems. I’ve also completed several courses at the Evaluator’s Institute and actively cultivate deeper levels of attention and awareness on an ongoing basis. I have a PhD in Ecology from the University of California, fluency in English and Spanish, a working knowledge of Portuguese and basic Bahasa Indonesia.