Transdisciplinary On-Farm Panel Data Description: Learning Lab researchers have been part of transdisciplinary research effort collecting on-farm panel (longitudinal) data from about 600 fields in Central Malawi since 2013. The research focuses on the potential of sustainable intensification technologies to improve… Continue Reading →
Sustainable Intensification Indicators Framework: Description: Sustainable Intensification (SI) focuses on improving the efficient use of resources for agriculture, with the goal of producing more food on the same amount of land but with reduced negative environmental or social impacts (Musumba… Continue Reading →
Participatory Research & Action Learning Description Standard agricultural research has not always addressed the real world complexity of agriculture and livelihoods. Smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa for example face high levels of environmental uncertainty, a rapidly changing context due to globalization… Continue Reading →
Phosphorus- The Key to Sustainable Nutrient Management Description Phosphorus (P) is one of three primary macronutrients (NPK) essential to plant and crop productivity. It is considered a macronutrient, as opposed to a micronutrient, because it is required in large quantities… Continue Reading →
Nitrogen- It’s What’s For Dinner Description Although plants require both macronutrients (i.e. N,P,K) and micronutrients, nitrogen (N) is the lynchpin. It is needed in the largest quantities and is most often the limiting factor for growth and production of food… Continue Reading →
Mother and Baby Trial Design Description Mother & Baby Trials is a trial design, and one approach to conducting on-farm participatory action research. Mother & Baby trials are designed to facilitate conversations among farmers, extension, and researchers. This is essential… Continue Reading →
Sustainable/Ecological Weed Management Description Crop loss to resource competition with weeds is considerable in sub-Saharan African smallholder systems. Yet, many weeding recommendations for farmers are based on on-farm experiments that do not account for realistic smallholder agroecological conditions and/or socioeconomic… Continue Reading →
Multipurpose Legumes for Soil Rehabilitation Description In Malawi there is a growing body of evidence that soil organic matter rehabilitation is urgently needed – yet widely promoted approaches such as agroforestry, conservation agriculture and livestock integration all face major challenges…. Continue Reading →
Dr. Phil Grabowski My research focuses on the development and adaptation of sustainable agriculture technologies in southern Africa. I use a wide range of research methods (including qualitative interviews, surveys and system dynamics modeling) while drawing connections across the disciplines… Continue Reading →
Dr. Sieg Snapp Professor Sieg Snapp is a soils and cropping systems ecologist at Michigan State University and Associate Director of the Center for Global Change and Earth Observations. She has edited two books and published more than a 100 journal… Continue Reading →
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